
This weekend seemed pretty eventful and by that I mean we got to do laundry Friday night and Sofia spent the night at her grandma's. Saturday morning I had to wait for a guy to come re-grout our bathroom tiles. It took him all day, even though he made it seem as if he was going to be done in 3 hours. Anyway I took advantage of it and cooked a couple of dishes, listened to records and watched most of 'Louie CK' on netflix. He's hilarious!

On the other hand Sofia had a fever that day, but I couldn't leave to pick her up because the guy grouting the bathroom was taking forever. I felt bad. Thankfully it lasted only for one day. She had the chills but her temperature was between 100 - 103F, so I wrapped her up and she went to bed early. She was able to sweat it out that night. The following morning she woke me up all giggling and shouting my name. We even went to the carnival and ate zeppoles.

(update on my camera issue: it's not a light leak, the marks are stretch marks from when i rewound the film all haphazardly and forced it too much. i'll be gentle from now on.)

butternut squash soup with gorgonzola croutons
adapted from smitten kitchen

warm butternut and chickpea salad with tahini
from orangette

i actually didn't like it very much with the chickpea and onions.
but i did love the squash by itself.
however, andrew turned it into hummus. lol